Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Yard For Your Birthday, Given an Inch I Bet You'd Take a Mile

Well, Scotland has been a wee bit different than England and Ireland, although we've met more English and Irish people here than in the other two oddly enough. Our first day in the city was taken walking about the city trying to find where our B & B had relocated us, and after it turned out to be in a shady room in someone's flat I engaged in a lovely heated argument from a stall of a jolly good phone booth. It ended in me being accused of being on drugs, this from a man who's pint I had interrupted as I called his mobile while he was legless in a pub downtown to complain about the substandard accomodations...a fine how do you do I'd say. That straightened out, our good new friends from the Destruction of Eve play took us in another night and their living room couches never felt so proud and luxurious. Our wounds licked, our mouthes turned to the the drink and the following night we went to a Canadian's stand up show (for free) and met some friends of his in the seats across from us. They were from Ireland, and for the rest of the night we were thick as thieves as we laughed about Bryan Adams, and they told us of their play "the Wrong Man" a insightful look on the inner workings of Ireland's I.R.A., or the 'ra'. The night continued into morning, and we took to our couches at 6.30, but not before promising to come see their play. The following day Melissa and I explored Edinburgh on our own, but did not have time for much as we woke up at 1.30. We spent the following night in laughing and telling stories (some embarassing, some pirate tales, but most involving Paul's foibles over the years). The following and I made it to the castle atop the towering central volcanic crags in downtown Edinburgh. It was a beautiful piece of architecture and showcased the stretching town and country proudly. Walking down the Royal Mile we caught the Irish play, and it was great. As the this leg of the trip closes we're getting ready to leave for Glasgow by train in hopes of some glimpse of the countryside. Much love, Liam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liam, We're really enjoying your tales and insights, especially having just been there ourselves. We all loved Edinburgh, even without the festival. All is well here. I am frantically painting most of our house interior before school begins next week. I think about you alot and I'm glad you're having a good time. It's great to read your impressions. Looking forward to stories from Spain!
Happy trails,
Love from Elaine

8/28/2005 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liam,

Having finally made it to your blogspot, (your cousin and my grandson, Caleb, would say, “Get with the program, Granddad”!) it is great to get the straight goods directly from your keyboard. What fantastic experiences you are having and what a fabulous writer you are!

Reading the entire chronology from August to late September is somewhat breath-taking. I wish you joy to continue. And you can count on my more constant tuning in to the episodes that follow.

With love and best wishes,


10/23/2005 01:22:00 PM  

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